Lake Shore Swim Club Agenda

Sunday April 30, 2017

4:00pm at The Landing Restaurant

  1. Roll Call: Barbara Halapeska, Ken and Linda Scott, Laura and Rick Garner, Michelle and Shawn Black, Heather Moore, Tanner and Bethany Wealand, Jay and Shelly Waechter, Jenny Wilcox, Dennis and Gwen Elliot.
  2. Approval of Minutes from March and February: Barbara motioned to approved and Laura 2nd
  3. Reports:
    1. President: Signs updated and looking for pricing. Flyers dispersed to schools.
    2. Vice President: One lifeguard and looking for another one.
    3. Secretary: Updated website, and sending out the emails from MailChimp.
    4. Treasurer: Account balance $6953.00. Annual Insurance due mid-May for about $1500.00.
    5. Pool Chair: Replaced valves, Lights upgraded to LED by Westar at their cost. Rekeyed the locks, flood lights replaced.
  4. Old Business:
    1. Sign for the slide: Waiting on quote from Knox signs.
    2. Lifeguard stand: Will be done by May 20 and pipe for umbrella.
    3. Lifeguard lock when lifeguard not on duty: Ken is going to complete a steel bar to lock when lifeguard off duty.
    4. Square for credit card use: Rick has not had a response to emails from Square so he will call to get the answers we need.
    5. Free pool party night for all new members and people who invited them. We will wait to see how many new members we have.
    6. Paint prices for the pool. $750. For the product $250.00 material. Rick motioned to paint the whole pool at one time. Linda 2nd the motion.
      1. May 1 at 5:30 there will be a work day to remove the cover.
      2. May 13th at 9:00 there will be a work group to paint the pool. The pool will be drained prior to May 13th and people can prep the pool floor before then by scraping or cleaning the surfaces to prepare for painting on May 13th.
      3. May 20th at 9:00 there will be a work group to clean the grounds and prepare the other areas of the pool.
  5. New Business:
    1. Vote for new treasurer: It was a unanimous vote to accept Tanner Wealand as the new pool treasurer.
    2. Water needs to be turned on first week of May. Tanner will call to have the water turned on this week.
    3. Extra trash can need to be ordered. Ken will call to order two trash cans.
    4. Prices for Chlorine: We need 300lbs of granular and 100lbs of tablets. Laura will get the pricing for the season.
    5. Facebook page for the pool can no longer be updated and will be closed.
    6. Westar- Tanner will contact to have the bill pay notices sent to him.
    7. Receipt for mowing was given to Treasurer for payment.
    8. Antiskid strips needed for the pool.