Lake Shore Swim Club Agenda

Sunday February 5th, 2017

2:00pm at McDonald’s

  1. Roll Call: Barbara, Laura, Michelle, Heather, and Ken.
  2. Approval of Minutes:  Motioned by Barbara and 2nd by Ken.
  3. Reports:
    1. President: Treasurer needs to resign for medical reasons. Looking for new treasurer. Ken Scott and Barbara Halepeska will be added to the account as our two signers. Karla Huffman and Kristi Van Metre will be removed from the account as previous signers.
    2. Secretary: Follow up with Kristy for FB password and access. Watch youtube videos on how to post to the webpage.
    3. Treasurer: Materials have been turned over to Barbara and the taxes from last year have been paid.
      1. We need to know the bills and how they are paid before the next meeting.
      2. Is there a PO Box or mailing address?
    4. Maintenance:
      1. Pool has been rekeyed and new lock. Same price as just rekeying.
      2. Main value on order for $150.00, half the cost we thought it would be.
      3. Motion lights have been replaced.
      4. Westar has approved lights being updated and adding brand new parking lot light.
      5. Call back number has been changed to Ken and his address for 911.
      6. Sign has been too frozen to remove but will be removed when the ground it thawed.
      7. Chemical companies not interested because it is not a year around job. Laura and Rick will check into other options for Chlorine.
      8. Working to get most major maintenance done by March.
      9. Pump to pump down the water in the pool needs to be replaced.
      10. Looking to drain the pool by the 15th of April.
      11. We have 15 pounds of Chlorine left from last year.
      12. Working on document for mowing contract.
      13. Working on document for lifeguard daily check list.
      14. Will change interior lights.
  4. Old business:
    1. Donations to schools: Only two schools have received their certificates Barbara will find out who the contact are for Tecumseh South and North and Laura will take care of gift certificates.
    2. Sign for the slide: Barbara will make a plate for the slide and a sign for the fence.
    3. Life guard stand: CCA and painted with special paint- Laura and Rick will take of this project.
    4. Free book Library: Kelsey- will do a free book library. Barbara will follow up with Kelsey.
    5. Michelle will email Kristi for FB password and administrative rights.
    6. Life guard stand- needs to be unusable when lifeguard is not on duty.
    7. Key deposit ideas: $10.00 key deposit with a key drop at the pool. Add to pool contract that keys will be returned.
  1. New business:
    1. Square will be followed up on once we have changed over the account.  Rick will check out the invoices.
    2. Once account and square are ready email all members inviting to divide payment into thirds. $35.00 discount if paid by in full by 30th of April. Michelle will work on emails.
    3. Update contract. Barbara will start this process and then pass to other members for approval.
    4. Set up members meeting in May.
    5. Brain storm incentives to bring in new members.
    6. Free pool party night for all new members and people who invited them.
    7. Flyers to Bright Circle, Heights of Learning, Berryton Methodist Kiwanis, Bandits baseball team. Barbara will make the flyers and Laura can print them.
    8. Michelle motioned for $50.00 off a membership certificate for Bandits baseball team and Heights of Learning and Barbara 2nd it. Both are having upcoming fund raisers. We discussed if it had to be a new member but decided for this event it an existing member could use the certificate.
    9. Barbara will check into swim lessons and what we have done in the past.
    10. Laura will check on paint prices for the pool.
  1. Next Meeting: To be held at the Landing date to be announced.