Lake Shore Swim Club Agenda

Sunday March 11th, 2017

10:00am at Michelle’s

  1. Roll Call: Barbara, Laura, Michelle, and Heather.
  2. Purpose of today’s meeting was to review and prepare the 2017 Lakeshore swim contract.
  3. Discussed the purpose of the cards and how useful they are for identify purposes.  Could we save money if we didn’t print them in the future? Are they serving a purpose to only have member who have cards come into the pool? Who is checking the cards?  Further discussion is needed on this topic but could we consider not using cards in the future?
  4. We discussed how to change the referral fee for recruiting new or returning members. It will now be $20.00 for new or returning members that have been without a contract for at least one year.
  5. Guest will section will now be first time guests will be free first visit and each visit after that $2.00 charged to the accompanying pool member.
  6. Changing Daycare section to just read Daycare passes available upon request.
  7. Change in the contract that any children under the age of 18 at the pool during life guard hours without an adult need to sign in.

Other topics discussed.

  1. Barbara has the PO box key and will check it. The PO box Lakeshore Swim Club, PO Box 5851, Topeka, KS 66605-0851
  2. Barbara will check with the 450 district elementary schools to find out who to send the pool flyers to and get approval from the PTO.
  3. Michelle will contact Dustin to update the website to change the age on the slide and add past meeting agendas.
  4. A confirmation email will be given when payment is accepted with welcome information.
  5. Lifeguards will need to acknowledge the responsibility of a daily checklist.
  6. Barbara would like to continue to discuss the idea of an open swim on July 4th and she would be available to host it.